What A Week
It's been a week, and the dust has ironically not settled. The gnorp-train keeps on going. Yesterday a new record was set for concurrent players, with 4647(!!!) players on Steam. It's incredible. At the same time, it is for me hard to not ask myself the question "Does the game deserve all this attention?" — and my answer is that I want to continue making improvements to the game until I can say yes.
23rd Dec, 23
So, in spirit with the season I have a couple of gifts for you.
Yule It's yule, or "jul" in norwegian, so I have put up a patch to reflect this. It changes the hats of mountaineers to be a bit more festive. These festive hats also show up somewhere else in the game — let me know if you find them.

Hats are coming The second gift is the announcement of hats. Many of you have stated that you are in utter contempt about the fact that Mountaineers are the only gnorp with hats, so I have come up with a solution for you: Gnorps will get hats. Specific hats for specific achievements, is what I am currently thinking. As a little preview, Slammers now get a little crown if you have beaten the game.

Here is an FAQ:
— Price: Already paid for with your love for the game
— Release date: No idea.
— Will gnorps in gnorps in space also get hats: Yes
— Is there a logo: Yes

Time to relax Now it is time for me to take a little break for a few days, and coax some braincells out from exhaustion. When I am back, I will continue working on making the base game better, and that includes stuff like improvements to talents and balance, new UI settings, the hard mode, and hats. There's lots to be done, and here is a rough outline:
— Balance and talent improvements
— Hard mode
— Hats
— Steam Cloud support
— General UI improvements
Some of you are speedrunning with the Speedrun Mode and posting your records on the Discord. That has been really fun to watch, and the current recordholder is Abbadon with a time of 9 minutes and 43 seconds. Which is an absurd time.
Again, thank you so, so much for playing and enjoying the game. I hope to make (the) Gnorp Apologue a game that you will come back to several times in the future.
God jul, and happy gnorping.