Feedback And Other Things
Hello everyone. I am currently very busy with writing code and polishing the game. I was able to gather high-quality feedback from last week's playtest, and I am almost done addressing all of it. Gameplay changes, typos, general fixes, audio adjustments, and more.
2nd Dec, 23
In order to adress some of the feedback, I implemented a tip system. Tips are small messages that appear occasionally. They might offer some gameplay advice, or make the player aware of some of the settings, like adjustable cursor size, disableable gun sounds, etc. I also offloaded some tutorial messages to the tips system, so that it is less intrusive and players won't miss important information.

I created 5 new music tracks to the game. Here are two of them:
Finally, a blast to the past: The first version of "gnorp". I made it for my girlfriend, now wife, in one night. It featured poorly implemented upgrades, and a very simple gameplay loop. There were some good bits though: The gnorps and shards have remained the same, and the core of the game is intact.

The release of the game is fast approaching. Can't wait.