Gnorp News #11 News #11 View all
100k Players
6th Jan, 24
Yes, that is correct — (the) Gnorp Apologue has now sold over 100,000 copies on Steam. I never imagined that the game would reach this level of success. (the) Gnorp Apologue was to be a niche game, with weird gameplay, for a small audience. I am again absolutely astounded that so many of you enjoy the game.

Thank you.

I am also fatigued. The success has been amazing, but trying to stay on top of messages, feedback, comments, issues, has been overwhelming. Do not worry though, for the gnorping continues. I will steadily improve my workflow in this post-release world, and continue to deliver improvements and, eventually, the expansion for the game, Gnorps in Space.

The Upcoming Hard Mode The initial goal with hard mode was to adjust some numbers and call it a day. However, I feel that would not make the mode adequately interesting. That's why I have decided to introduce a new mechanic — another layer of complexity, that will force you to rethink how you approach the game. I am currently testing the mechanic, and it works like this: When the pile is tall enough, it will start to spill over. This will cause the pile to become flatter, and will affect how you choose to allocate your shards, gnorps and zybellium. The gnorps will have to work harder to reach compression events, and the range of your damage will become a more important factor.

In relation to hard mode, I have also been asked to add an infinite mode to the game — an option that would allow you restart the game with a bonus that accumulates with every victory. I am considering baking this request into hard mode, but instead of a bonus, you would get a penalty — so that every hard mode victory would make the game even harder. Like I said, this is still in consideration, and a bonus might be the better choice. What are your thoughts?

In the next Gnorp News, I will talk more about the "shard spilling" mechanic of hard mode.

Submit A Hat I have received so many hats! There have been small hats, crazy hats, tame hats. Not all hats fit with the theme of the game, but I still want to showcase those hats, with the permission of the creators, somewhere permanent. I so appreciate the creativity of the community, and I am thankful to everyone who has devoted their time to work on some pixelated accessories for the gnorps.

Voting will occur sometime next week, on the Discord.

That's the end of Gnorp News. Thank you for reading, and thank you once again for playing (the) Gnorp Apologue.